Erasmus+ NEMO (NEw MOnitoring guidelines to develop innovative ECEC teachers curricula) project pursues the following objectives:
To Allow preschool teachers to have the necessary knowledge and competences in order to be able to access children affected by ASD in the activities of the classroom;
To introduce and recommend pre-primary teachers curricula into a unified system ISCED 0 (0 – 6 years), taking into account ASD children needs.
To introduce and recommend monitoring tools and monitoring framework to create greater coherence in monitoring practices.
The project is coordinated by University of Bologna and the partnership foresees 4 Universities, a Research Institute, an association of national ECEC teachers and ECEC services coordinators and a NGO for the ASD people care. The partnership involves organizations both from split and unitary ECEC systems, in order to make comparison reports within ECEC monitoring and curriculum subjects.